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BPH and LUT Dysfunction
49 e-learning modules
Associate editor Toby Page
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Prostatic artery embolisation in the management of BPH
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Overactive bladder (OAB): definition and medical management strategies
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Overactive bladder (OAB): surgical management strategies
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Paruresis: understanding and managing the bashful/shy bladder
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Identification and management of ketamine bladder
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Is there still a role for microwave thermotherapy in the management of BPH?
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Greenlight laser photoselective vapourisation of the prostate: an overview
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Greenlight laser photoselective vapourisation of the prostate: a step by step guide
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Laser enucleation in the management of BPH
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Is there still a role for urethral stents in the management of benign prostatic hyperplas…
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Robotically assisted aquablation for BPH
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Clinical phenotyping for interstitial cystitis and bladder pain syndrome using the UPOINT…
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Is there still a role for simple prostatectomy today?
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Managing patients with concomitant LUTS and erectile dysfunction
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Managing detrusor underactivity
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
First choice for refractory OAB: botulinum toxin A or sacral neuromodulation?
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Plasma kinetic vapourisation in the management of BPH
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Combination therapy for LUTS: who and when?
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Robotic-assisted simple prostatectomy
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Who can we predict is going to have progression of BPH/LUTS?
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Beta-3 agonists in the management of detrusor overactivity
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Understanding and managing nocturnal polyuria
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Video step-by-step: the prostatic urethral lift implant
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Prostatic urethral lift procedure in the management of BPH
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Understanding prostate cancer risk in the use of 5-alpha reductase inhibitors
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
New technologies for benign prostatic enlargement
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Managing storage LUTS in the BPH patient
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Sacral neuromodulation for refractory LUTS
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Interpreting multi-channel urodynamics: a primer
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Update on anticholinergic therapy for OAB
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Safe and effective use of botulinum toxin for refractory LUTS
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Videourodynamics: when to use them and how to interpret them
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Update on alpha-blocker monotherapy in LUTS
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Initial assessment of voiding LUTS in men
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Pharmacological treatments for overactive bladder
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Identifying and managing TUR syndrome
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Optimal use and interpretation of uroflow studies
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Novel intraprostatic injectable agents in the treatment of BPH
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Is TURP still the gold standard for surgical management of BPO?
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Video step-by-step: TURP
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Managing the patient with interstitial cystitis and bladder pain syndrome
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Sequencing and combining OAB treatments
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Lower urinary tract dysfunction in older adults
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Water vapour thermal therapy for BPE
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Video step-by-step: HoLEP
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Understanding of chronic pelvic pain and bladder pain
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Bipolar techniques in the surgical treatment of BPH
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Using 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors for LUTS
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
Update and technique for holmium laser enucleation of the prostate
BPH and LUT Dysfunction
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