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95 e-learning modules
Associate editors Greg Shaw and Mike Leveridge
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Bladder cancer
18 e-learning modules
Associate Editor - Mike Leveridge
Cystectomy: how to achieve the best results
Bladder cancer
Management of non-urothelial cancers of the bladder II: adenocarcinoma, sarcoma and other…
Bladder cancer
Management of non-urothelial cancers of the bladder I: squamous cell carcinoma
Bladder cancer
Robotic cystectomy and lymph node dissection
Bladder cancer
The evidence for neoadjuvant chemotherapy in muscle-invasive bladder cancer
Bladder cancer
Continent urinary diversion in bladder cancer
Bladder cancer
Does the use of chemoradiation enable preservation of the bladder in bladder cancer?
Bladder cancer
A good TURBT
Bladder cancer
Non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: understanding and managing risk
Bladder cancer
Managing the primary in muscle-invasive bladder cancer
Bladder cancer
Investigations of haematuria
Bladder cancer
Surveillance strategies after bladder cancer treatment
Bladder cancer
Epidemiology and risk factors for bladder cancer
Bladder cancer
Management of BCG failure in high-risk non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer
Bladder cancer
Contemporary systemic therapy for advanced urothelial carcinoma
Bladder cancer
The role of partial cystectomy for primary surgical management of muscle-invasive bladder…
Bladder cancer
Pathology of bladder cancer
Bladder cancer
En bloc transurethral resection of bladder tumours
Bladder cancer
Kidney cancer
21 e-learning modules
Associate Editor - Mike Leveridge
Complications of partial nephrectomy and their management
Kidney cancer
When is active surveillance for the small renal mass appropriate?
Kidney cancer
Management of small renal masses with thermal ablation
Kidney cancer
Metastatic renal cancer: what is the role of surgery for primary disease?
Kidney cancer
Partial versus radical nephrectomy
Kidney cancer
Principles and management of hereditary renal cell carcinoma
Kidney cancer
Contemporary management of small renal masses
Kidney cancer
Pathological classification of renal cell tumours
Kidney cancer
Pathological classification of non-RCC renal parenchymal tumours
Kidney cancer
How to perform an open radical nephrectomy for RCC
Kidney cancer
RCC: how to perform left-sided laparoscopic nephrectomy
Kidney cancer
How to perform an open partial nephrectomy for RCC
Kidney cancer
RCC: how to perform right-sided laparoscopic nephrectomy
Kidney cancer
Percutaneous biopsy for RCC
Kidney cancer
Managing lymph nodes in RCC
Kidney cancer
Surgery for recurrent renal cell carcinoma
Kidney cancer
Minimally invasive partial nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma
Kidney cancer
Imaging and kidney cancer
Kidney cancer
Immunotherapy in urological malignancy
Kidney cancer
The evolution of metastatic kidney cancer treatment: from interferons to the novel immuno…
Kidney cancer
Management of renal cell carcinoma with inferior vena cava (IVC) involvement
Kidney cancer
Penile cancer
10 e-learning modules
Associate Editor - Greg Shaw
The surgical management of invasive penile cancer
Penile cancer
Phalloplasty following amputation for penile cancer
Penile cancer
Management of penile cancer nodal disease
Penile cancer
Penile cancer: investigation for nodal status?
Penile cancer
Sentinel node biopsy in penile cancer
Penile cancer
Penile cancer diagnosis and staging
Penile cancer
Total penectomy and penis-sparing surgery in penile cancer
Penile cancer
The role of systemic chemotherapy in penile cancer
Penile cancer
Quality of life after penile cancer surgery
Penile cancer
Penile intraepithelial neoplasia
Penile cancer
Prostate cancer
34 e-learning modules
Associate Editor - Greg Shaw
MRI prostate: how should MRI be used in staging of prostate cancer?
Prostate cancer
Can a negative multiparametric MRI substitute prostate biopsy?
Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer biomarkers: PSA - is there still a role?
Prostate cancer
Prostate MRI: how should MRI be practically used in active surveillance?
Prostate cancer
Is screening for prostate cancer proven or justified?
Prostate cancer
The timing of chemotherapy for metastatic prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Who should be offered active surveillance?
Prostate cancer
Who should be offered radiation treatment in the management of prostate cancer?
Prostate cancer
The role of surgery for T3 prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
The timing of hormonal therapy in advanced prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Management of castration-resistant prostate cancer (1): androgen receptor pathway inhibit…
Prostate cancer
Management of castration-resistant prostate cancer (2): chemotherapy
Prostate cancer
Management of castration-resistant prostate cancer (3): bone treatments
Prostate cancer
RARP: the semi-continuous approach to vesico-urethral anastomosis
Prostate cancer
Prostate biopsy: what is the appropriate approach?
Prostate cancer
Transperineal biopsy of the prostate
Prostate cancer
Heating the prostate: HIFU and its role
Prostate cancer
Principles of hormone therapy for prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Technical modifications during radical prostatectomy to speed recovery of urinary inconti…
Prostate cancer
Who should be offered radical prostatectomy?
Prostate cancer
External beam radiation treatment and follow-up for prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
The argument and techniques of focal therapy
Prostate cancer
The genetics and genomics of prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Evidence for focal therapy for prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Nuclear imaging in prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Managing the lymph nodes in prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Brachytherapy for prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Use of frozen sections in radical prostatectomy
Prostate cancer
Treating the primary tumour in oligometastatic prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging of the prostate gland
Prostate cancer
Essentials of cryotherapy in prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
HDR brachytherapy for prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Local and systemic management of recurrent prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Informed decision making in newly diagnosed prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
Testicular cancer
5 e-learning modules
Associate Editor - Greg Shaw
Pathological subtypes of testicular tumours
Testicular cancer
Management of clinical stage 1 seminoma with surveillance
Testicular cancer
Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection: operative technique
Testicular cancer
The management of advanced germ cell tumours
Testicular cancer
The management of stage I NSGCT
Testicular cancer
Upper tract cancer
7 e-learning modules
Associate Editor - Mike Leveridge
Epidemiology of upper tract urothelial carcinoma: a UK perspective
Upper tract cancer
Managing the primary in upper tract urothelial carcinoma
Upper tract cancer
Systemic therapy in upper tract urothelial carcinoma
Upper tract cancer
Focal therapy for upper urinary tract tumours
Upper tract cancer
Radical surgery for upper tract urothelial carcinoma
Upper tract cancer
Is there a role for organ-preserving surgery in upper tract urothelial carcinoma?
Upper tract cancer
Imaging and pathological staging of upper tract TCC
Upper tract cancer
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