Safe Patient Care and Professionalism

37 e-learning modules Associate editor Steve Payne

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Pharmacological thromboprophylaxis in urological surgery: why and how Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Haemostatic agents, sealants and tissue adhesives used in urological surgery Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
The surgical safety checklist: implementation and impact Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Responsible opioid use for urologists Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Social media in urology: professionalism and pitfalls Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Cancer risk from exposure to diagnostic ionising radiation Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Social media in urology: opportunities and benefits Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
How are surgeons affected when things go wrong, and what can be done to help? Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Developmental mentoring: its role in the professional development of surgeons and managin… Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Optimising early patient discharge after urological surgery: the Enhanced Recovery Progra… Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Effective leadership Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Clinical decision-making and treatment escalation planning in the last year of life Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Understanding direct oral anticoagulants: an update for urology practice Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Defining and obtaining informed consent Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Causes and management of surgically induced respiratory syndrome and other acute lung inj… Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Professionalism: definitions and principles Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Making the right decision: bias in clinical practice and how to manage it Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Non-surgical management of massive blood loss in the urological patient Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Designing a clinical trial Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Optimising pain control in the postoperative patient Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Appropriate use of antimicrobial prophylaxis for diagnostic endoscopic procedures Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
How much trust can you put on published data in the medical literature? Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Keeping good records: implications for patient and physician safety in the electronic era Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Decontamination of surgical equipment and medical devices used in urology Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Communicating bad news effectively Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Key tools for analysing medical data Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Blood-borne virus transmission from patient to surgeon: what do I need to know? Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Health Quality Systems and their use in surgical practice Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
ALARA: optimising fluoroscopy use in endourology Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Teaching postgraduate surgery and assessment of learning in surgical practice Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Careers in UK urology: parallel careers, what they are and how you get into them Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Radiological control of bleeding in the surgical patient: indications, expectations and r… Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Take care of yourself: factors causing illness amongst doctors Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Should evidence-based medicine be our professional mantra? Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
First do no harm: principles of medical ethics Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
MRI safety and patients with implants Safe Patient Care and Professionalism
Unlocking the secrets of time management Safe Patient Care and Professionalism

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