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Urolithiasis and Endourology
38 e-learning modules
Associate editor Michael Wong
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How to deal with urinary stones during pregnancy
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Key steps to perform a laparoscopic dismembered transperitoneal pyeloplasty
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Robotic-assisted retroperitoneal pyeloplasty: indications and key steps
Urolithiasis and Endourology
The changing epidemiology of stone disease in the Western world
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Why is my patient having recurrent renal stones?
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Avoiding infection in the surgical management of urinary stones
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Current understanding and management of staghorn stones
Urolithiasis and Endourology
What are the challenges of managing stones in renal calyceal diverticula?
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Renal access in the prone-flexed and lateral-flexed positions
Urolithiasis and Endourology
A manual for performing flexible ureterorenoscopy
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Technical advances and current status of retrograde intrarenal surgery accessories
Urolithiasis and Endourology
How to avoid complications in PCNL
Urolithiasis and Endourology
How to avoid complications in flexible ureteroscopy
Urolithiasis and Endourology
The role of medical expulsion therapy in the management of urinary stones
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Current guidelines in the management of ureteric calculi
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Step-by-step technical considerations in semi-rigid ureteroscopy
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Current protocol for the optimisation of shock wave lithotripsy
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Development and use of the ureteric stent
Urolithiasis and Endourology
How to remove a bladder stone
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Surgical options for PUJ obstruction: endopyelotomy technique and case selection
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Management of urinary stones in abnormal kidneys
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Current evidence for NBI technology in the diagnosis and treatment of bladder cancer
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Cryoablation of small kidney tumours
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Step-by-step technical considerations for laparoscopic and robotic partial nephrectomy
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Ureteroscopic management of upper tract urothelial cancer
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Approach and management of lower pole renal stones
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Percutaneous endoscopic management of upper tract urothelial carcinoma
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Management of benign ureteral strictures
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Step-by-step technical considerations for TURBT
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Guidelines on surgical management of renal stones in a normal kidney
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Key steps to perform an open dismembered pyeloplasty
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Current status and comparison of intracorporeal lithotripsy
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Extra-anatomic stents: indications, technique and results
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Understanding the technique and rationale for ECIRS
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Does tract size matter in PCNL?
Urolithiasis and Endourology
What is the place for ureteric access sheaths in endourology
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Comparison of novel and conventional lasers in lithotripsy
Urolithiasis and Endourology
Current status of disposable flexible ureteroscopes
Urolithiasis and Endourology
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